Saturday 27 April 2013

What is Future of Virtual Credit Card?

In case of future of credit card. There would be con tactless payment solution. Mobile phone screen can be swiped in place of plastic credit card. Electronics devices and sensors are expected to use as a credit card instead of plastic card. Contact less technology means you can pay or purchase without contact means using tapping on device like special card reader. You don’t have to wait for the boring and waiting method like swiped and sign in the receipt and your transaction can be done in few seconds.know more on Virtual Credit Card or Facebook VCC

Created By:-VCC

How to Pay our taxes Using Credit Card ?

Here is the some Question which is on mind of credit card user. Is your credit card reward taxable? What about the credit card bonuses when you open a new account? How can you optimize your credit card expenses if you are a small businessman? Know more on Facebook VCC or Virtual Credit Card

Created By :-VCC

Sunday 21 April 2013

How to aware when your Credit Card Lost or Stolen?


If you loss you credit card then report loss or theft immediately. You have to fast limit your liability for changes that you didn’t authorized. When you lost of theft your card then you have to report as fast as possible. Your issuer has the toll free number. Once you report then according to law then card would be unusable.know more on or

Created By:- Facebook VCC

Tuesday 16 April 2013

Why Credit Card cancel by people?

In today’s century the virtual credit card is the important part of the every ones life but some of the peoples are fear to use the credit card due to fraud.
Online payment & transaction are very useful for the peoples who are using freelancer or blogger as their life is depend on them. But the Virtual Credit Card is the safe instead of traditional credit card. Know more on
Facebook VCC or Virtual Credit Card

Created By:-Facebook VCC

Monday 15 April 2013

What is Virtual Credit Card?

A Virtual Credit card is a Prepaid Credit card which enables you to use the online shopping facility in a very easy manner without giving out your private Credit card details with any of the websites offering different stuffs.Know more on

Created By;- Facebook VCC

Best way for the risk free transaction using Virtual Credit Card, VCC & Facebook VCC

We often use our debit card or credit card for online purchases though there are certain risks involved in these transactions. Virtual credit card or prepaid card is an emerging and safest way of doing online transactions which helps in avoiding the risk of disclosing the confidential or personal details to the merchants. You can easily create a Virtual Credit Card. know more on                      or

Created By:-  Virtual Credit Card

Sunday 14 April 2013

Easy Payment Transaction By Virtual Credit Card and Facebook VCC

One of the most prominent activities going on online today is buying and selling which is known as e-commerce. A lot of Internet Users are looking for products that will solve their problem or help them to learn more about a subject or pressing issue.Know More on also on

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